After completing his higher secondary education in Islamic studies and Hadith, Allamah Fultali (R.A) enrolled in Madrasa-e-Alia Rampur, a famous religious educational institution in India, for Higher Education and Certificate in Ilm-e-Hadith, as per the instructions of his teacher and mentor Hazrat Maulana Abu Yusuf Shah Mohammad Yaqub Badarpuri (R.A.), and completed his Fanunat. Later, he enrolled in Matla’ul Uloom Madrasa to pursue education in Ilm-e-Hadith and after studying with distinction, he secured first place in the first division of the final examination in Hadith and obtained his certificate in Hadith in 1355 AH. His teachers in Hadith at this madrasah were renowned Muhaddith Hazrat Allamah Khalilullah Rampuri (R.A.) and Allamah Wajih Uddin Rampuri (R.A.). In addition to the science of Hadith, he also acquired deep knowledge in the science of Tafsir and Fiqh.
The chain of Hadith of Hazrat Fultali Saheb Qiblah (R.A.) up to the beloved Prophet (PBUH) is as follows:
- Hazrat Allamah Md. Abdul Latif Fultali (R.A.) > 2. Hazrat Maulana Khalilullah Rampuri (R.A.) > 3. Hazrat Maulana Manoor Ali Rampuri (R.A.) > 4. Hazrat Sayyid Muhammad Shah (R.A.) > 5. His father Hazrat Sayyid Hasan Shah (R.A.) > 6. Hazrat Shaykh Alam Ali An Nakinawi (R.A.) > 7. Hazrat Shah Muhammad Ishaq (R.A.) > 8. Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz Ad Dehlvi (R.A.) > 9. His father Hazrat Shah Waliullah Al Umri Ad Dehlvi (R.A.) > 10. Hazrat Shaykh Alhaj Muhammad Afdal (R.A.) > 11. Hazrat Shaykh Abdul Ahad (R.A.) > 12. His father Khazinur Rahmah Hazrat Shaykh Muhammad Saeed (R.A.) > 13. Hazrat Imame Rabbani Mujaddide Alfe Thani Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi (R.A.) > 14. Hazrat Shaykh Muhammad Yaqub Kashmiri (R.A.) > 15. Hazrat Shaykh Ahmad Ibn Hajar Al Haytami Al Makki (R.A.) > 16. Hazrat Shaykh Zainuddin Zakaria Al Ansari (R.A.) > 17. Hazrat Shaykh Hafiz Abul Fadl Shihabuddin Ahmad Ibn Ali Ibn Hajar Asqalani (R.A.) > 18. Hazrat Ibrahim ibn Ahmad at Tanukhi (R.A.) > 19. Hazrat Abul Abbas Ahmad ibn Abu Talib al-Hajjar (R.A.) > 20. Hazrat Sirajul Husayn ibn al-Mubarak az-Zabidi (R.A.) > 21. Hazrat Shaykh Abul Waqt Abdul Awal ibn Isa ibn Shuaib as-Sijzi al-Harawi (R.A.) > 22. Hazrat Shaykh Abul Hasan ibn Abdur Rahman ibn Muzaffar ad-Dawoodi > 23. Hazrat Abu Muhammad Abdullah ibn Ahmad as-Sarkhasi (R.A.) > 24. Hazrat Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Yusuf ibn Matar al-Firabari (R.A.) > 25. Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail ibn Ibrahim ibn al-Mughira al-Ju’fi al-Bukhari (RA). The chain of transmission of every hadith from Imam Bukhari (RA) to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is well-known and reliable.
Similarly, Hazrat Fultali Sahib Qiblah (RA) also received the chain of transmission of hadith from the renowned Muhaddith of India, Hazrat Maulana Wajihuddin Rampuri (RA) who received his Sanad from the famous Hadith Scholar Saykh Anwar Shah Kashmiri (R.A). The chain of transmission of Hazrat Wajihuddin Rampuri (RA) reached Hazrat Shah Muhammad Ishaq in another chain and was connected to the previous chain of transmission
Service of Ilm-e-Hadith
In his career as a teacher, Allamah Fultali Saheb Qiblah (R.A.) joined Badarpur Alia Madrasa in 1946 and served as a teacher with great skill until 1950. Then he joined Gasbari Jami-ul-Uloom Alia Madrasa as a Muhaddith and taught with distinction for six years. During this time, he served as the Vice Principal and Principal. After that, he served as a Muhaddith in Satpur Aliah Madrasa and Isamoti Alia Madrasa for a long time. He taught books such as Bukhari, Nasa’i, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Itkan, Nurul Anwar, Aqa’id, Hidayah, Jalalain etc. with great skill in these institutions. Until his death, he used to give lessons on Bukhari Sharif twice a week at the Kamil Jamaat at Fultali Aliah Madrasa. During his long teaching career, numerous students have been enlightened by the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and received ijazah from him.
Distributing Ijazah of Hadith Sharif
Hazrat Fultali Saheb Qiblah (R.A.) has served the science of Hadith for almost a quarter of a century. The service that began at the Badarpur Alia Madrasa continued until his death. A number of scholars who took lessons from him were granted the Sanad of Hadith Sharif through a beautiful gathering on 27 April 2006. Only selected Ulama received the Sanad. On this occasion, a memorial titled ‘Rahi Madina’ was also published on behalf of the students who received the Sanad of Hadith Sharif from Hazrat Allamah Fultali Saheb Qiblah (R.A). The memorial lists the names, addresses and years of completion of 816 people in the list of those who received the certificate. However, apart from these, there are hundreds of students who studied Hadith with Allamah Fultali (R.A). Many of them passed away before him. Many were not able to apply within the specified time. Moreover, many students could not be listed here due to various reasons including being abroad.