My father was himself a huge institution. He was an ideal father. A skilled guardian for the community and his family. In the case of justice, an upright munsif (Just). The greatest sage of our era in spirituality. The best server of human rights. The best teacher in teaching. As a writer he was a poet, an author, a researcher, a philosopher and an analyst. He was firm in the establishment of justice and truth. Very humble in his manner and conduct. A commander on the ground of jihad against blasphemy. He fought against injustice, oppression, torture and corruption etc, overcoming any form of greed or lust for the world. He never bowed down in front of an evil force.
I came to realise that calling ‘baba’ is the dearest thing after his death. When I put my father in the grave holding his blessed feet, I felt that all the love and compassion of this world is going to be buried today. At that time, I broke down in tears calling ‘Baba, Baba’. When my father’s coffin was brought home, hundreds of thousands of people broke into tears, as well as the ‘Balai Hawor’. The man created from earth has been returned to earth. My elder daughter Humairah Siddiqah once wrote to me from England, “I have seen many fathers in the world; I have never seen a father like my father.” Today I would like to declare that ” I have never seen a father like my father.”
All people have the most affection for their children. My father loved us even more than that. When I was a young we were in our old residence. Our old residence (Bari) is on the east side of our current residence. In front of that house there was a large pond right after the bungalow house. My father wasn’t home most of the times; I didn’t understand where he was. When he came home, he would take us to the pond and take a bath and teach us swimming. He would carry us in his arms and lower us down into the water and ask us to swim while he would put his hands underneath our body. Whenever I slipped out of his hands, I would look at my father’s face in fear of getting drowned, he would lift us again. When I would go to learn to swimming with my dad, I would look at my father’s face, he would be seemed like a king. During the meal, my father would put food in our mouth with his hands. I have never tasted that food anywhere. The clothes we used to wear during the Eid were of a much better quality than the clothes of other boys in our village. As a result, when we were out of the house, many elderly people would check our clothes with their hands.
I witnessed aspects of my father’s daily life as I grew up. Many memories are engraved in my mind. At that time, Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha, Shab-e Barat, Muharram, Rabiul Awal, etc. were considered important days of the year in Muslim community. During the Eid-ul-Adha, my father would sacrifice cows with his own hands. He would sit down and distribute the meat to the poor. He would keep a portion of sacrificial meat from our portion and distribute it withn his own hands to the elderly and close people in the neighbouring villages. Noble families from our locality would not come to take meat even if they are poor. My father would instruct us to deliver the meat to their homes.
Many guests from different places of greater Sylhet used to come to our house. They would bring with them big fishes such as Chitol, Boal, Rui, Katla, Air, Rita etc. as a gift for my father. My father would separate a large portion of these fish for the elders and sick people of neighbouring village and he would ask us to deliver these to their houses. He would visit the elderly and critically ill people in the local area and always he would take some food with him for these people. Many a times, while visiting the people who were on their deathbed, he would ask them if they wished to eat anything. Some of them would want to eat some different fruits. At that time, even if the fruit was not available on that season in the country, my father would get it collected from the neighbouring country India and would fulfil the wish of these people. On those days, guests would come to our house with a large number of Grapes, Apples, Sultanas, manakka, Mangoes, Pineapples etc. A portion of = these fruits would be sent to elderly neighbours and ill people. The guests who came to our house used to bring different kinds of food (as gift). When he would divide them between us he would say that all should share and eat, no one would know because of whose kismet we received this food.
My father was very skilled in cooking. In our guest house, cows and goats are always cooked. By smelling the food, he could tell if spices had become accurate or had become less and if it had been properly seasoned or not. In the month of Ramadan, he used to often cook himself for the guests and the students of Darul Qirat and many a time he would distribute them in his own hands. On the north side of our house there was a small market in front of the current Madrasa. The market used to sit on every Sunday and Wednesday. Once the Iftar was ready in Ramadan, he would send his people to that market to invite everyone to join the iftar meal. Moreover, every year during Ramadan, he would invite the elders of neighbouring villages to join him for iftar meal at a particular day. If he would send anyone or a workman out of the house and if they were supposed to be back at night, he would wait for them after Isha until they are back. After their returning home at night, he would first ask if they faced any difficulties and if they had any food.
My father always took great care about hospitality. Many guests and visitors used to visit our house. During the meal, as much as possible he would eat together with the guests. My father would enquire about the guests who would rest in the Bungalow house before he would go to bed and often he would come to see himself how their sleeping arrangements have been done. On a winter day, my father would have a duvet and a blanket, which he needed for the cold. However, very often he would give his own blanket to the guests for their comfort.
My father had a different interest in food for a particular guest. Pumpkin sweets, glutinous rice, coconut sweets, milk and molasses they were must at the dinner table. He himself always spread a cloth on his daybed and would have his dinner there.
My father would risk his life and extend his hand to help people in the community, state and family. His tender heart would be stirred at the distress of any human being. In this context, I am referring to an incident:
We have two fishing-lakes called Dalia and Chabra in Our Hawr (big field). In the month of Baishakh in 1986, one night there was storm with heavy rains fall. There were two guards on the lakes to look after the lakes. After the storm, Yasin Ali Member of Fultali village, who had the lease of the lakes, came out of his house to look for the guards. It was deep night. Suddenly, he saw a man walking around wearing a lungi. When he approached, he saw it was none other than my father. Yasin Ali was shocked seeing Saheb Qiblah at that stormy night in the field. He greeted Saheb Qiblah with Salaam and kissing his feet. Saheb Qiblah asked him, “Where are you going in the middle of the night?” He said he was going to look for the guards in his lakes. Saheb Qiblah said, “Insha’Allah there will not be any problem with them.” Then Yasin Ali asked Saheb Qiblah in fear, “What has brought you out here at this stormy night?” He replied, “There was a heavy storm. I was wondering if any one in the area were in danger.”
If anyone in the area asked for any land from him to make or expand a road or house or educational institution, he would give it away. He had told us, that if anyone wants a land, especially for road/paths, give it away for free.
I think it is necessary to mention here an incident as an example of his sincerity towards his neighbours. My father was always very firm in suppressing any wrongdoing, injustice, oppression, torture, theft, robbery etc in the area. We never used to have any robberies, even though theft occurred occasionally in the past. One night in 1974, the sound of gunfire was heard in the eastern outskirts of our village and people were shouting. My father was at home. When he found out that a robbery had taken place in a house on the east side of the village (our house is on the west side of the village), whilst still in his lungi and vest, he walked fast towards the east of the village with his pestle and mortar (what he used to crush his betel-nuts). When he approached the house, the robbers were escaping through the eastern field. My father chased them. Someone said, “Saab, they have guns, they may shoot.” He said, “They are robbers, and we are masters; there is nothing to fear.” Soon the robbers fled.
Our area would sometimes experience a shortage of food during the Karthik month. There were many people in the villages who would not have any rice. So people would suffer hardship. Every year when Karthik month would come, my father would ask us if there was enough rice in people’s houses. When we said there was a shortage in the area, he would instruct us to keep one month’s worth of rice in stock (ugar) and give away all rice to those who are in need. We would then inform the people of the village that they would be given rice as a loan. People from different villages would come with their stuff to carry the rice and we would give them the necessary rice as a loan until they got new crops. After getting their harvest in the month of Agrahayan, everyone would pay the rice back. In some years, if the crops were destroyed by the insects, the lenders would have been relieved at their will.
My father would have been overwhelmed by the grief of the poor-destitute neighbours. When there was a shortage food in the area, he would instruct us not to eat full stomach. He would also tell us if anyone asks for food at that time; to give them food even from our own plate if we do not have much. Winter clothes, Sari, Lungi etc would be distributed among the poor people through our elder brother (Boro Saab). During the floods, food was cooked and delivered by boat to the affected people. This duty was also performed by our elder brother (Boro Saab).
People would be in danger as many a time boats would sink in our Haor (field) during the storm. At that time whether it is day or night, my father would call us and instruct us to take our boat to go to Haor and to see if there is anyone in danger. If there was any house set on fire in our area, my father would run there with a bucket, whist he was wearing Vest and Lungi, to distinguish the fire. If he would see a flame of fire somewhere in distance at night time, he would recite du’as looking at the flame.
He was a dedicated person to the people of the local area. He was always ready to accept any sacrifice for the locals. I know many examples of these. Here I am referring to one small example. In 1990, I and my peers had a huge eye camp for the poor and destitute people at Ratnaganj High School and we had budgeted and raised more or less amount for the eye-camp. At one point, the number increased led to a huge loss of funds. In consultation with the government, we decided to present the problem to the people of The Shaheb Kibler. Everyone with me decided to be a saviour in the face of the saheeb Kiblah and he made it known to him. Then he said, Without doing that, it is my job. I will give you all the money I need. You don’t have to worry.
In the 8th year, I and my fellow parishioners had a big eye camp at Nia Ratanganj High School and we made a lot of money by budgeting. At one stage, the scope of the eye camp was large and due to the increase in cost, there was a huge loss of funds. In consultation on this, we decided that the problem should be presented to the service of Shaheb Kibla. Everyone with me decided to attend the service of Shaheb Kiblah and informed him of the matter. Then he said, “What you are doing is my work. I’ll give you the money you need. Don’t worry.
He had great respect for the Murubis. Even though an elderly man came to keep cows or came to our house from the hal-khas, his father would stand by the chair and sit it down. The Hadith saheeh says:
Saheb Qiblah was highly respected by the Moorbis. Someone in the neighbourhood Even when he came to our house to keep the cows or to get up from the plow, his father would stand up from his chair and set him up, then he would sit down. The hadith says:
The father was very kind to the Hindu people of our upazila. Many times I was told that Hindu people are few in number and they think they are weak. Take special care of any danger to them. Let them not suffer. I will briefly mention two incidents.
In our area, there are several villages (Daudpur, Ziapur, Mangalpur, Keraiya, Tirashi, Mulikandi, etc.) that all the inhabitants of these villages are Hindu Dharmabambali. Several years ago, Jitendra Biswas of Daudpur village took boat worship in large size by taking the villagers. After setting up the deities, some evil people try to create obstacles in worship. Then the Hindu people of that village came to the service of their father and informed him of the matter. Then my father instructed me to take the safety measures. Then I came to the place of worship, taking the prominent people. At the place of worship, I do not want anyone to interfere with religious rituals and warn people of evil nature. On coming home, the police officer of the police station was present on the ground for seven days and asked him to arrange the program without any hassle. Later, there was no difficulty in the place of worship.
At one time, a person of evil nature wanted to seize any property belonging to the poor Hindu people. A few years ago, about a mile away from our house, Anil Das of Jiapur village, a man from the village adjoining the land of his father, Akanti Das, was seized. When the Hindu gentleman got down and came to his relatives to take his father, my father asked me to take care of the land. I was forced to take fifty-sixty people to land and there was no way to protect the land, and the landlord freely got back that land.
Several years ago, in our union, a member of the honorable family member of the chairman, Jakiganj, held a speech at the election meeting of Shri Jat Jagadanand Purkayastha, banning him from coming to the local Kaliganj market and threatening to kill him. When Jagadananda informed the father about the matter, the father asked me to take security measures. The chairman does not have the security measures I have taken in the market. The market is about two and a half miles from our house
During the war of liberation in Ying-Sun, the Hindus of our area wanted to leave for India, he told the Hindu people, “If you stay in your own house, stay at that place, you will stay home.” Leaving the homeland is very painful.
The people of our area had great respect and love for their father. Evidence of that love has been seen since his death. As Baba’s coffin reached home (before dawn), many in the area were seen crying and shouting “Amara’s Chhab Nay Re” (Our Chib Nay Re). When the coffin reached the house shortly before dawn, hundreds of human beings came to the area and extended a helping hand on the father’s burial. Competition begins with digging graves, cutting bamboo, etc. In our area, strangers do not enter any person’s house without permission. Because inside the house usually the woman lives. But many of the guests who came out of the house on the day of the Janazah lost their way in a hurry and entered the backyard of the house. There are many people in our area who are very poor. You cannot collect food at a time. Many of these types had little potatoes and rice for their children’s lunch at the funeral home. All these families kept their baby exposed and smashed the potatoes and rice and sent their baby on the way home. And say, ‘These are the guests who suffer in the chest of stone, and eat in the dark. I will win in Allaah. ”[They are guests of Saheb, their back is hungry. Divide them and feed them if they are hungry. Allah will reward] Hundreds of tree trunks of some houses have been crushed to the feet of the incoming guests, but the homeowners did not interrupt and were not disappointed. On the road side of the house, any fence, etc., is obstructed and it is opened. To facilitate the travel of the guests, many have opened fence houses and small beds. In order to quench the thirst of the guests, the women filled their bodies with water and sent their guests to the street in front of the house. On that day, hundreds of vehicles belonging to the millions of people who came for the funerals, especially small bikes, such as motorbikes, etc., joined us on the streets of the villages, in the houses, in the fields, in the fields, on the farm fields, wherever possible. It was night when returning, but whatever was left was in the state. All of these vehicles were under the surveillance of young children.
Many people have assisted the guests by providing food and water from their homes, three to four miles away from our house (Atagram on the north and Lamargram on the south) for the guests. Especially the residents of Atagram were busy with the chain of guests throughout the day and night. After placing cars everywhere on that side for 5 days, there was a car alignment for about 5 km along the main road. Dad’s fans Many of the mobs were able to attend the Jawaan Jaya, running for 5-20 kms without being able to take the car.
Generally, before the funeral of someone who died, Oli Warish of Maviyat made two appeals about the mu’yyat. But the year before my father’s death, the Eidgah, adjacent to the house, told Muslims before the Eid church, that no one could say about Hayat-Mouat. I will forgive you if you have any grief. It is not known how many days to live.
Father was very kind to human beings. In this context, I am referring to an event as an example. One day on the winter day of the month of Magh, the father came home from the tour. Then in Johor’s last time, it was raining and raining. Dad entered the house, I was home and then I was with him. Daddy wore sherwani, turban, pajamas, shoes and socks. There were a few dogs in the north of the house screaming under a bamboo broom. When that word came to my father’s ear, he asked me what was calling? I said that the dog’s baby was crying in the rain. When my father said nothing and changed his clothes and asked me to bring a basket of rice mushroom while I was wearing linen and linen, I came to buy it. Then he said to me, Come on. I went along. Going down to the bamboo tree, the dogs’ children were soaked in rain water and shouted in the crowd. Then he helped raise the kids in the basket with his hand, and I helped too. When the kids got up and took the basket from their father and came to our kitchen, the father said that the children would be in the stove (in the heat). He ordered the housekeeper, Do not prevent the dog from breastfeeding until the babies are healthy. And he told me that dogs are free from God. When I came home, my father said, “I have made a long trip. Didn’t eat anything at noon. After saying this, he went to take a bath in the pond. Note that there are always many dogs in our home without owners.
Dad was one of the best arbitration judges in Bangladesh. In the past, there were times when there were clashes or village-based fights. When the father was at home, he would go to the adjoining village only to hear the news of a quarrel or mischief, or call both sides to settle the dispute. The resolution that the arbitrator gave in judging many complex issues was praised by all.
The people of Sylhet’s Kita Pargana are very brave and determined. Their role was praiseworthy and their unity was firm in the movement against various corruption during the Pakistan period and against all forms of anti-Islam. I am referring to an incident in which the father took action regarding a dispute in that traditional Kitta pargana. In 6 Ying Sun, the people of the Khitta Pargana of Sylhet were split into two (criminal) fighters. I do not know if such a breach took place anywhere in Bangladesh. The Barikandi Union of Kitta Pargana was led by the late Makhan Mia Sahib, Chheel Mia, Daimullah Gong people and late Khandaker Abdul Malik, Sikandar Ghazi, Abu Mia Chairman Gong on behalf of the Tetli Union. The matter went beyond the control of the police administration. The father, who was in Sylhet city, got the news and arrived at Gorai Haor on the spot. Both sides were at a crossroads. Many showed the difficulty of playing sticks and many were playing drums and motivating them all. But in this case, the honest and courageous father reached the spot and told the responsible people of both parties not to fight and promised to give justice. At that time, the most influential late leader of the Barikandi party, Makhan Mia, had said that we would be criminal. When Saheb Kiblah replied that I should leave with the people I love, how would you fight? Then Makhan Mia goes silent. In this case, the responsible people of both parties asked other people to leave the scene. Later, the father resolved the matter. It is to be noted that according to the local people, many people would have died if this crime took place. The Quran says:
Whenever there has been an attack on the religion of Islam, Shaheb Qiblah has strongly protested against it. And succeeded. Mentioning an incident I saw. ১৯৬৮ Ying Sun, Chairman of the Islamic Research Institute of Pakistan. Fazlur Rahman wrote a book called Islam in English where Hughur was written about the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his refusal of Miraj and the prayer three times. All the ulama of the then East Pakistan, the kiram and the Muslim people, joined the movement against this catastrophe. In the last phase, a protest meeting was held in Sylhet under the chairmanship of Allama Shaheb Qiblah on August 26, 8th. The prominent Ulama of Bangladesh including Sylhet Division were present in the meeting. Maulana Farid Saheb (R) (Chittagong), late Syed Musleh Uddin (R), Syed Kamrul Hasan (R), Maulana Ashraf Ali MP Gong were also present. In the 24-hour period Dr. Speaking to the President He called for disciplinary action against Fazloo. After the meeting, Governor Monayem Khan informed by telephone that within 24 hours Dr. Unless Fazlur Rahman is subjected to punishment, he may be in East Pakistan or I will be Abdul Latif. It was announced at Radio Pakistan’s news bulletin at 5 pm that day. Fazlur Rahman has been removed from the post and has left for London. It is to be noted that the current Supreme Court lawyer Alhaj Maulana Abdur Raki was in charge of conducting the meeting.
Sir. (Maulana Abdur Rakib Sahib with information assistance)
After I passed Kamil Ichhamati Kamil taught as an honorary teacher in Madrasa. Then one day my father called me and said, Man Duk phia came to me, I used to spend time with Farina, and I used to worship him. (People come to me with sadness, I can’t give them time. Humans may need two, you see it a little. It’s a worship.) I was busy reading and listening. At that time I did not understand the meaning of the father’s theoretical words. Within a few days people started coming to me to settle complex disputes in various directions, I was forced to leave teaching and engaged in arbitration trials, and so far I have had to spend a lot of time on this. According to the Qudsi in the hadeeth, what the people of Allah say when they say, is accepted in the court of Allah.
The father was not just Allah’s guardian, he was very experienced and skilled in all aspects of society and world life. When a farmer came to get advice about farming, a neighbor told him that it would be better if he could cultivate rice on a field and in any land. He even used to say how many types of farming would have to be provided in the soil and how many days the water should be kept. The hadith says:
If anyone wants advice on building a new home, he would tell them where and how far the pond, living room, Bangla house, road, latrine, urinal, etc. should be set up. For example, the location of our current home can be ascertained. He was very angry when he saw something wasted unnecessarily. Some cows used to feed the calf and said it was a livelihood for humans. There is grass for the cows. You have to feed the grass one day while feeding the cattle. Dad used to get dressed while on tour and always started from the right. For example, first wear the right socks and then the left socks. Occasionally we would go in wearing socks and then we would shake off the left foot and remove the legs.
He always wore extremely clean, shaggy clothes. One day I was looking at my father and wondering why my father wears such shocking clothes. After a while (didn’t remember) in a context, the father said that the Muslim prisoners should be in the rubble so that those who are Muslims in the society may not think of them as enemies of Islam.
After realizing that my father used to come to my son’s house, he would stand up in front of the house and give us a name. As long as no one came out of the house to take him inside the house or reply from the house, he would not go home. He walked in front of the house. Of course, no matter what a serious emergency, it is different.
Many times when the father was at home, from distant places in the night, he came to visit his father. At that time I was living in a Bangla house. When the guests heard the sound of the car coming out, they requested to meet their father. I went in front of my father’s house in fear and called my father in a very low voice. Dad responded by calling 2/2 and opening the door. After speaking to the guests, he ordered them to come home and listened to them. Then it was a deep night, but he would feed the guests as much as possible. Sometimes my father used to sit at home and look at the water of the pond at our big pond.
Every man has the most affection for the offspring. But we have to cite an example of what my father’s affection for us was.
As a kid, I was at a house in Kesari village of Jakiganj for a feast with my father’s house (big house). I returned home at night with my father on foot. On the way back, the storm and rocky rain began to form in the haor, a short distance away from home. It was then Chaitra or Baishakh month. It will be approximately 9pm. The rocks were very large in size. Dad handed me his hand and held it under his chest and walked to the front. Within 5/5 minutes the rocky rain stopped. Not a single rock has fallen on me. All the rocks were falling on the father. When I remember that day, I remember thinking that I had no father like my father