Allamah Fultali Saheb Qiblah (R.A.) took the Bay’ah to the Tariqah and attained the Khiafah while he was in his young age studing at Badarpur Aliah Madrasah. His Murshid in Ilm-e-Tasawwuf was Hazrat Maulana Abu Yusuf Shah Md. Yaqoob Badarpuri (R.A.). Hazrat Badarpuri (R.A.) was the greatest scholar of the religion and a respected elder of that time. He was the Khalifah of Hazrat Hafiz Ahmad Jaunpuri (R.A.) who was the son of Hadi-e Bengal Hazrat Maulana Karamat Ali Jaunpuri (R.A.).
Hazrat Fultali Saheb Qiblah (R.A.) met Hazrat Badarpuri (R.A.) on a sad day in his early life. The day before the death of Hazrat Maulana Mufti Abdul Majid Chowdhury (R.), the father of Hazrat Fultali Saheb Qiblah (R.), Hazrat Badarpuri (R.) was going to Atgram in Zakiganj. On the way, he went to see Hazrat Mufti Abdul Majid Saheb (Father of Fultali Saheb). He was very ill, bedridden. Badarpuri (R.) cancelled his scheduled visit and stayed in a nearby village. Maulana Abdul Majid Chowdhury (R.) passed away that night. Hazrat Badarpuri (R.) led the prayer at his funeral the next day.
After the funeral, when the burial work was going on, the young Fultali Saheb was sitting on one side of the grave in a sad mood and shedding tears silently. At that moment, he felt the touch of the kind hand on his back, which was Hazrat Badarpuri (RA). Fultali Saheb got admitted to Hailakandi Madrasa for secondary education. After some time, one day while passing through Badarpur, he met Badarpuri Saheb. After making inquiries, he went to Badarpur Alia Madrasa and Badarpuri Saheb asked him to get admitted to the Higher Secondary Jamaat. Fultali Saheb got admitted to Badarpur Senior Madrasa as per his instructions. He liked visiting the graves of the saints. He had a strong attraction towards spirituality and Badarpuri Saheb Qiblah. He always felt a pull towards something. But he could not be sure where and to whom he would take ba’yah of Tariqah.
One night, in a state of indecision, he dreamed that Badarpuri Saheb Qiblah was standing under a plum tree in the courtyard of his house, calling out to him. He woke up from the dream. It was two o’clock in the morning. The young Fultali Saheb, who was in a deep sleep, could not understand any interpretation of the dream. He performed ablution, prayed two rakats of prayer, and went back to sleep. Within a short time, the same dream occurred again – the same gesture.
This time, he woke up again. There was nothing left to understand the deep significance of the dream. After performing ablution, he left the lodging for the neighbouring village of Bundashil, where Badarpuri (R.A.) lived. When Fultali Saheb reached home late at night, he saw that he was standing under the very tree under which he had seen Badarpuri Saheb calling him from! Guessing the existence of a person in the midst of light and darkness, Badarpuri Saheb Qiblah called his name and said, “Abdul Latif, have you come?” He greeted him. When asked if the Saheb had ablution, Fultali Saheb said, yes. Without saying anything else, he took him to his own room inside the house, held his hand and made him take the ba’yah, and explained the lessons including ta’lim-tawajjhuh.
After taking the oath of allegiance, Hazrat Fultali Saheb Qiblah (RA) continued to follow the instructions of his Pir and Murshid Hazrat Badarpuri (RA) properly. At one stage of the ta’lim-tawajjuh of the Pir and Murshid, while still a student, he attained the caliphate in 1339 Bengali at the age of just 18. This was one of the unique qualities or characteristics of Hazrat Fultali Saheb Qiblah.
The Silsilah of the Tariqa
Hazrat Fultali Saheb Qiblah (RA) took the oath of allegiance to Hazrat Badarpuri (RA) in five Tariqahs. The orders are Chishtiah, Qadiriah, Naqshbandia, Mujaddidia and Muhammadia. While staying in Rampur, Sahib Qiblah (R.A.) obtained permission from his Murshid to pledge allegiance to the Chishtia Nizamiya order from Hazrat Maulana Ghulam Muhiuddin (R.A.), a renowned elder of the Chishtia Nizamiya order there. Hazrat Ghulam Muhiuddin (R.A.) also granted him permission to give evidence of charity.
Hazrat Fultali Sahib Qiblah (R.A.)’s lineage of Chishtia, Qadiri, Naqshbandi, Mujaddidi and Muhammadi orders is as follows:
- Shamsul Ulama Hazrat Allamah Md. Abdul Latif Fultali (R.A.) > 02. Qutul Auliya Hazrat Maulana Abu Yusuf Shah Mohammad Yaqub Badrpuri (R.A.) > 03. Shamsul Arifin Hazrat Maulana Shah Hafiz Ahmad Siddiqui Jaunpuri (R.A.) > 04. His father and Murshid Hazrat Maulana Shah Karamat Ali Siddiqui Jaunpuri (R.A.) > 05. Imamat Tariqah, Ameerul Momineen Hazrat Sayyid Ahmad Shaheed Barlvi (R.A.) > 06. Hazrat Maulana Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlvi (R.A.) > 07. His father and Murshid Hazrat Maulana Shah Ahmad Wali Ullah Dehlvi (R.A.) > 08. His father and Murshid Hazrat Maulana Shah Abdur Rahim Dehlvi (RA) Hazrat Shah Abdur Rahim Muhaddis-e-Dehlvi (RA) obtained the allegiance and permission of various tariqas in three silsilas.
The lineage of Tariqa-e-Chishtia of Hazrat Shah Abdur Rahim Muhaddis Dehlvi (R.A.) is as follows: 09. His grandfather Hazrat Shaykh Rafiuddin (R.A.) > 10. Hazrat Shaykh Qutul Alam (R.A.) > 11. Hazrat Shaykh Nazmul Haq Chah-e-Luddah (R.A.) > 12. Hazrat Shaykh Abdul Aziz (R.A.) > 13. Hazrat Qazi Khan Yusuf Nasihi (R.A.) > 14. Hazrat Shaykh Hasan Tahir (R.A.) > 15. Hazrat Shaykh Sayyid Razi Hamid Shah (R.A.) > 16. Hazrat Shaykh Hussamuddin Manikpuri (R.A.) > 17. Hazrat Noor Qutbul Alam (R.A.) > 18. Hazrat Shaykh Alaul Haq (R.A.) > 19. Hazrat Shaykh Sirajuddin Akh Siraj (R.A.) > 20. Sultanul Auliya Hazrat Nizamuddin (R.A.) > 21. Imamuz Zahidin Hazrat Shaykh Fariduddin Ganjeshkar (R.A.) > 22. Hazrat Shaykh Qutuddin Bakhtiar Kaki (R.A.) > 23. Hazrat Imamut Tariqat Shaykh Muinuddin Chishti Ajmiri (R.A.) > 24. Hazrat Shaykh Osman Haruni (R.A.) > 25. Hazrat Shaykh Alhajj Sharif Jandani (R.A.) > 26. Hazrat Shaykh Maudud Chishti (R.A.) > 27. Hazrat Shaykh Yusuf Chishti (R.A.) > 28. Hazrat Shaykh Muhammad Chishti (R.A.) > 29. Hazrat Shaykh Ahmad Chishti (R.A.) > 30. Hazrat Shaykh Abu Ishaq Shami Chishti (R.A.) > 31. Hazrat Khwaja Mamshad Ulu Dinwari (R.A.) > 32. Hazrat Abu Hubairah Al Basri (R.A.) > 33. Hazrat Hudhayfah Al Mar’ashi (R.A.) > 34. Sultanut Tariqeen Hazrat Ibrahim Ibn Adham Al Balkhi (R.A.) > 35. Shaykh Hazrat Fudayl Ibn Ayad (R.A.) > 36. Hazrat Abdul Wahid Ibn Zaid (R.A.) > 37. Khairut Tabi’een Hazrat Hasan Al-Basri (R.A.) > 38. Qudwatul Atqiya Imamul Auliya Ameerul Momineen Sayyiduna Hazrat Ali (R.A.) > 39. Sayyidun Ambiya Wal Mursaleen Mahbubu Rabbil Alamin Sayyiduna Wa Maulana Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم.
The lineage of Tariqa-e-Qadiriyyah of Hazrat Maulana Shah Abdur Rahim Muhaddiseh Dehlvi (R.A.) is as follows:
- Hazrat Sayyid Abdullah Akbarabadi (R.A.) > 10. Hazrat Sayyid Adam Bannoori (R.A.) > 11. Imame Rabbani Mujaddide Alfe Sani Hazrat Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi (R.A.) > 12. His father Hazrat Shaykh Abdul Ahad (R.A.) > 13. Hazrat Shah Kamal (R.A.) > 14. Hazrat Shah Fudayl (R.A.) > 15. Hazrat Sayyid Gada Rahman (R.A.) > 16. Hazrat Sayyid Shamsuddin Arif (R.A.) > 17. Hazrat Shah Gada Rahman Ibn Sayyid Abul Hasan (R.A.) > 18. Hazrat Shamsuddin Sahrawi (R.A.) > 19. Hazrat Shaykh ‘Uqayl (R.A.) > 20. Hazrat Shaykh Bahauddin (R.A.) > 21. Hazrat Shaykh Abdul Wahhab (R.A.) > 22. Hazrat Shaykh Sharfuddin Qattal (R.A.) > 23. Hazrat Shaykh Abdur Razaq (R.A.) > 24. Hazrat Imamut Tariqat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A.) > 25. Hazrat Shaykh Abu Saeed Al Makhzumi (R.A.) > 26. Hazrat Shaykh Abul Hasan Al Qarshi (R.A.) > 27. Hazrat Shaykh Abul Rfah At Tartusi (R.A.) > 28. Hazrat Shaykh Abul Fadl Abdul Wahid At Tamimi (R.A.) > 29. Hazrat Shaykh Abdul Aziz At Tamimi (R.A.) > 30. Hazrat Shaykh Abu Bakr Ash-Shibli (R.A.) > 31. Hazrat Sayyidut Tayifa Junayd Baghdadi (R.A.) > 32. Hazrat Shaykh Abul Hasan Sari As Sakati (R.A.) > 33. Hazrat Shaykh Ma’ruf Al Karkhi (R.A.) > 34. Hazrat Imam Ali Redwa (R.A.) > 35. Hazrat Imam Musa Kazim (R.A.) > 36. Hazrat Imam Ja’far As Sadiq (R.A.) > 37. Hazrat Imam Muhammad Al Baqir (R.A.) > 38. Hazrat Imam Zainul Abidin (R.A.) > 39. Sayyidush Shuhada Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A.) > 40. Sayyidul Auliya wal Kamilin, Hazrat Ali Murtada Karramallahu Wajhahu (R.A.) > 41. Sayyidul Ambiya wal Mursalin Habibu Rabbil ‘Alamin Sayyiduna wa Maulana Muhammad ﷺ.
Tariqa-e Naqshbandiyyah and Mujaddidiyyah
The lineage of Tariqa-e Naqshbandiyyah and Mujaddidiyyah of Hazrat Maulana Shah Abdur Rahim Muhaddise Dehlvi (R.A.) is as follows:
- Hazrat Sayyid Abdullah Akbarbadi (R.A.) > 10. Hazrat Sayyid Adam Bannuri (R.A.) > 11. Imame Rabbani Mujaddide Alfe Sani Hazrat Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi (R.A.) > 12. Hazrat Khwaja Baqi Billah (R.A.) > 13. Hazrat Khwaja Amknaqi (R.A.) > 14. Hazrat Shaykh Darwish Muhammad (R.A.) > 15. Hazrat Shaykh Zahid (R.A.) > 16. Hazrat Shaykh ‘Ubaydullah Al Ahrar (R.A.) > 17. Hazrat Maulana Yaqoob Charkhi (R.A.) > 18. Imamush Shariat wat Tariqat Shaykh Bahauddin Naqshbandi (R.A.) > 19. Hazrat Khwaja Muhammad Baba Sammasi (R.A.) > 20. Hazrat Shaykh Ali Ramitani (R.A.) > 21. Hazrat Shaykh Mahmudul Khair Faghnawi (R.A.) > 22. Hazrat Khwaja Arif Riwaigari (R.A.) > 23. Hazrat Shaykh Abdul Khaliq Gizdiwani (R.A.) > 24. Hazrat Shaykh Yusuf Al Hamdani (R.A.) > 25. Hazrat Shaykh Abu Ali Al Farmidi (R.A.) > 26. Hazrat Imam Shaykh Abul Qasim Al Qushayri (R.A.) > 27. Hazrat Shaykh Abu Ali Ad-Dakkaq (R.A.) > 28. Hazrat Shaykh Abul Qasim Nasirabadi (R.A.) > 29. Hazrat Shaykh Abu Bakr Ash Shibli (R.A.) > 30. Hazrat Sayyidut Tayifa Junayd Al Baghdadi (R.A.) > 31. Hazrat Shaykh Abul Hasan Sirri As Sakati (R.A.) > 32. Hazrat Shaykh Ma’ruf Al-Karkhi (RA) > 33. Hazrat Shaykh Imam Ali Redwa (RA) > 34. Hazrat Imam Musa Kazim (RA) > 35. Hazrat Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (RA) > 36. Raisul Fuqaha wa Tabi’in Hazrat Qasim ibn Muhammad (RA) > 37. Sahib-e-Rasool (SAW) Sayyiduna Hazrat Salman Al-Farsi (RA) > 38. Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddique (RA) > 39. Sayyiduna Muhammadur Rasoolullah (PBUH).
Tariqa-e-Chishtia Nizamiya
It has been mentioned earlier that with the permission of Hazrat Badrpuri (RA), Fultali Sahib Qiblah (RA) took oath of allegiance to Hazrat Ghulam Muhiuddin (RA) in the Chishtia Nizamiya Tariqa. The lineage of his Chishtia Nizamiya Tariqa is as follows:
- Hazrat Maulana Md. Abdul Latif Fultali (RA) > 02. Shaykhul Mashaikh Hazrat Maulana Ghulam Muhiuddin Rampuri (RA) > 03. Hazrat Maulana Syed Muhammad Mushtaq Shah (RA) > 04. Hazrat Maulana Syed Muhammad Jamal Shah Rampuri (RA) > 05. Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Nasir Uddin Shahkali Sahib (RA) > 06. Hazrat Maulana Qutubuddin (R.A.) > 07. Hazrat Maulana Fakhruddin Dehlvi (R.A.) > 08. Hazrat Shaykh Nizamuddin Aurangabadi (R.A.) > 09. Hazrat Shaykh Kalimullah Jahanabadi (R.A.) > 10. Hazrat Shaykh Yahya Al Madani (R.A.) > 11. Hazrat Shaykh Muhammad (R.A.) > 12. Hazrat Shaykh Hasan Muhammad (R.A.) > 13. Hazrat Shaykh Jamaluddin (R.A.) > 14. Hazrat Shaykh Mahmud Razan (R.A.) > 15. Hazrat Shaykh Alam (R.A.) > 16. Hazrat Shaykh Sirajuddin (R.A.) > 17. Hazrat Shaykh Kamaluddin Allama (R.A.) > 18. Hazrat Nasiruddin Mahmud Cherage Delhi (R.A.) > 19. Shaykh Nizamuddin Muhammad ibn Hazrat Sayyid Ahmad Badayuni (R.A.) > 20. Fariduddin Masood Ganjeshkar (R.A.) > 21. Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki (R.A.) > 22. Hazrat Imamut Tariqat Shaykh Muinuddin Chishti Ajmiri (R.A.) > 23. Hazrat Shaykh Osman Haruni (R.A.) > 24. Hazrat Shaykh Alhajj Sharif Jandani (R.A.) > 25. Hazrat Shaykh Maudud Chishti (R.A.) > 26. Hazrat Shaykh Yusuf Chishti (R.A.) > 27. Hazrat Shaykh Muhammad Chishti (R.A.) > 28. Hazrat Shaykh Ahmad Chishti (R.A.) > 29. Hazrat Shaykh Abu Ishaq Shami Chishti (R.A.) > 30. Hazrat Khwaja Mamshad Ulu Dinwari (R.A.) > 31. Hazrat Abu Hubairah Al Basri (R.A.) > 32. Hazrat Hudhaifah Al Mar’ashi (R.A.) 33. Sultanut Tariqeen Hazrat Ibrahim Ibn Adam Al Balkhi (R.A.) > 34. Shaykh Hazrat Fudayl Ibn Ayad (R.A.) > 35. Hazrat Abdul Wahid Ibn Zaid (R.A.) > 36. Khairut Tabi’een Hazrat Hasan Al Basri (R.A.) > 37. Qudwatul Atqiya Imamul Auliya Ameerul Momineen Sayyiduna Hazrat Ali (R.A.) > 38. Sayyidun Anbiya Wal Mursaleen Mahbubu Rabbil Alamin Sayyiduna Wa Mawlana Muhammad ﷺ
His Miracles:
The people of Bangladesh and the entire world witnessed countless miracles form Hadrat Saheb qiblah (R.), by the will of Allah Ta’ala since his childhood, until he left this material world. Saheb Qiblah (R.) was renowned for his miracles. But he never once mentioned them rather he always humbly denied them-Among the many miracles were.
While he was a student at Rampur Alia Madrasah, his lodging master was the vice-principal Syed Nobbi Shah, who had no children for many years Saheb qiblah (R.) was already known to be a pious and God-fearing man and that he recieved khilafat from the qutb, Shah Yaqub Badarpuri (R.). So master Syed Nobbi asked Saheb qiblah (R.) to make du’a for him. Saheb qiblah (R.) made du’a and gave him a Taweez, an amulet containing verses of the holy Quran. By the will of Allah Ta’ala He granted Syed Nobbi a child.
Saheb qiblah (R.)’s youngest son, Mawlana Husam Uddin Chowdhury narrates, Once Saheb qiblah (R.) went to India with his family. Due to strong tide in the Borak river of India, the roads besides the river, the houses and the highway were on the verge of collaspsing. The local authorities attempted to prevent this, but failed. The local people approached Saheb qiblah (R.) and sought his du’a Saheb Qiblah (R.) went to the afflicted area and he stood and prayed and Allah ta’ala accepted his du’a and the homes and roads remained intact.Hadrat Saheb qiblah (R.)’s Private driver, Bilal Narrates Once (1995) Saheb qiblah (R.) was on his way to a mahfil in Srimongol via Moulvibazar at night. Suddenly, from the tea garden, a tiger appeared and lied on the middle of the road. Despite the driver frequently horning with his car, the tiger didn’t budge. Saheb qiblah (R.) came out of the car and went to the tiger. He recited something and tapped the tiger’s back. Instantly, the tiger got up and left.Muhammad Mujibur Rahman from Jagannatfur, Sunamgonj narrates, in Nolzur river, near Tiargaw villiage of Jagannatfur, five people had drowned from a boat. The people had searched for them, but they could not be found. They had tried all they could to retrieve their bodies but to no avail. Consequently, they came to Saheb qiblah (R.). After hearing their concern, he handed them a Ta’weez and told them to place where they had sank. They carried out the command of Saheb qiblah (R.) and to their amazaement just shortly after placing the Ta’weez the corpse had emerged as though someone had pushed them up the river. Many people, journalists and public alike had witnessed this, and prayed for the life of Saheb qiblah (R.).
In March 2004, the historical shan-e-Risalat conference took place in Sylhet Goverment Alia Madrasah Field, presided by Hadrat Saheb qiblah (R.). Prominent Ulama and shuyukh from Egypt, Kuwait and all over the world were presen. In the final day of the conference, it began to rain. A few of the organisers went to Saheb qiblah (R.) to make du’a so that the rain may stop. Subhanallah! As soon as he made du’a the rain stopped and the sun began to shine. Everyone present was amazed by this miracle of Saheb qiblah (R.).
Nasihat to His Mureedeen (Disciples) After Taking Bayah
– Listen to my words carefully! Alongside supererogatory (nafal) worship, be of assistance to others. Be exemplary in your behaviour towards others. This will result in success both in this life and the hereafter. Good behaviour towards other people is loved by Allah Ta’ala. Be respectful to your elders and affectionate to your youngers. This was the way of the Prophet (Saw). Upon seeing the prosperity of others, show happiness, for who upon seeing good heppen to otheres feels disheartened, Allah Ta’ala will lower his status and his faith remains unfulfilled. Do not harbour bad thoughts about others rather see others in positivity. For if upon seeing good to others you become envious then even the abundant extent of your worship will not result in success.
– Pray the five daily salah diligently. Only act that will be a positive impulse both in life and the hereafter is salah. Whoever prays salah nicely his life be nice and peaceful. Perform the ruku and sajdah with humility and venerance. When we do ruku and sajdah, we bow down our heads and place it on the ground. Whoever bows down with their hearts during ruku and sajdah, Allah Ta’asla will not disgrace him in life and will grant him a lofty status in life.
– With every breath make it a habit to synchronise it with the Shahadah when inhaling utter. La llaha and upon exhaling say, ‘lllallah’. Do this without moving your mouth or tongue. Keep in mind that with every breath you draw, it is one less from that prescribed to you. Remembrance of Allah in this manner will be of benefit. Close your eyes and do ponder (diyan) like this (Saheb qiblah shows his mureeds how to do the Dhikr). Continuous practice in this way will become a habit. If you remember Allah Ta’ala once, Allah Ta’ala will also remember you once and remember, the sound of Dhikr goes direct to the Arsh of Allah Ta’ala.
– After salah, sit down and bring to mind Allah Ta’ala is in front of me and He is watching me and do dhikr. Before going to sleep, do Dhikr of Allah Ta’ala. This will be written as if you have done Dhikr all night. Recite daily Durood a minimum of two hundred times and Istighfar shareef one hundred times. If it is possible then recite Durood Shareef more.
May Allah accept his contributions to Islam and the Muslim Ummah and raise his status in the hereafter. Aameen!!